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Top FAQ questions

What is the TomTom Map Maker?
Does the SDK allow the display of satellite tiles?

The Map Display SDK provides pre-defined styles that can be used in the application. These default styles are managed inside the:

  • StandardStyles object (Android),

  • StyleContainer object (iOS).

    Among the pre-defined styles, the following are available:

  • Browsing: Style made for browsing the map.

  • Driving: Style to use during navigation.

  • Satellite: Style with satellite imagery.

Does the SDK allow the import of a custom route for navigation?

The supportingPoints parameter can be used to reconstruct a route from an imported polyline.

The provided sequence of supporting points is used as input for route reconstruction.

Does the SDK display traffic icons like roadwork, accidents etc?

The TomTom Map Display module provides real-time traffic updates.

You can show this on the map by adding a layer with traffic flow and a layer with traffic incidents.

To show or hide these layers call on the TomTomMap (Android) / Map (iOS) object, and call the methods:

  • TrafficFlow

  • TrafficIncidents

How can I access the TomTom Fuel Prices API?

To access the TomTom Fuel Prices API, you need to sign up for a developer account on the TomTom Developer Portal. After registration, you can obtain an API key, which is required for making API requests. Note that the Fuel Prices API is available only in Automotive applications.

Does the SDK offer routing for EV vehicles? Does planning a route take into account EV vehicles? / driving with a route

The Navigation SDK does not provide full support for EV routing at the moment.

However, some of the SDK's objects can be used to specify the vehicle's type (electric, combustion, truck).

By defining this, the routing API can exclude specific road segments that particular types of vehicles are not allowed to drive with the specified type of vehicle.

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