Traffic Stats API FAQ

What areas of the world are covered by the Traffic Stats API?
See our market coverage page for detailed information.
How do I make sure the right time zone is used?
In all Traffic Stats APIs the timezone given in the request will be used.
How often are you adding new data to the portal?
Every day we add all newly received GPS data to the database used by Traffic Stats.
How does the Area Analysis (or Traffic Density) product provide statistics for a road open in two directions?
The Area Analysis (and Traffic Density) network has values for both directions in case the road segment is open in both directions. This is based on the digitized direction as in TomTom's mapping product MultiNet. The network is based on the digitized direction. To view this you can change the lines into arrows, you will then see the direction of each link. To properly visualize it you can use offsets per direction to correctly display it.
What is the full traversal option in Route Analysis?
By selecting the "full traversals" option, statistics on this route are calculated on the trips made by vehicles that traverse the full route. Data from vehicles that only traveled a part of the route will be excluded. Please note that this option could lead to a lower number of probe devices used in the results. If a small portion of the route is rarely traveled or a vehicle drives the whole route besides the last section - this will have a negative influence on the results. For longer, more complex and door-to-door routes full traversals is not advised.
How can I view the Shape file that is in the output?
To view a report, you need a full set of results. First you unzip the file to a single folder using a zip program. Using your GIS software, import or drag your shape files and shape attribute files onto separate layers. Your network is now visible as a graphical image. Double click on the attribute files to see the road segment data for each set of times in your dataset.
What are Functional Road Classes (FRC)?
Functional classification is the process by which roads are grouped into classes according to the character of service they are intended to provide. Cities, towns, businesses, farms, homes, schools, recreation areas and other places generate or attract trips. These trips involve movement of vehicles through a network of roads.
It becomes necessary to determine how travel movement can be channeled within a limited road network in a logical and efficient manner. Functional classification defines the nature of this channeling process by defining the role that any particular road or street should play in serving the flow of trips through a road network.
The heavy travel movements are directly served by major channels, and the lesser trips are channeled into somewhat indirect paths. Functional Road Classes are designed to categorize segments based on their functional importance within the Transportation Network. There are nine classifications of the Functional Road Class:
FRC VALUE | Short Description | Long Description |
0 | Motorways; Freeways; Major Roads | All roads that are officially assigned as motorways. |
1 | Major Roads less important than Motorways | All roads of high importance, but not officially assigned as motorways, that are part of a connection used for international and national traffic and transport. |
2 | Other Major Roads | All roads used to travel between different neighboring regions of a country. |
3 | Secondary Roads | All roads used to travel between different parts of the same region. |
4 | Local Connecting Roads | All roads making all settlements accessible or making parts (north, south, east, west, and central) of a settlement accessible |
5 | Local Roads of High Importance | All local roads that are the main connections in a settlement. These are the roads where important through traffic is possible e.g.,: arterial roads within suburban areas, industrial areas or residential areas a rural road, which has the sole function of connecting to a national park or important tourist attraction |
6 | Local Roads | All roads used to travel within a part of a settlement or roads of minor connecting importance in a rural area. |
7 | Local Roads of Minor Importance | All roads that only have a destination function, e.g., dead-end roads, roads inside a living area, alleys: narrow roads between buildings, in a park or garden. |
8 | Other Roads | All other roads that are less important for a navigation system: a path: a road that is too small to be driven by a passenger car, bicycle paths or footpaths that are especially designed as such stairs, pedestrian tunnel, pedestrian, bridge alleys that are too small to be driven by a passenger car |
All other roads that are less important for a navigation system:
a path: a road that is too small to be driven by a passenger car
bicycle paths or footpaths that are especially designed as such
pedestrian tunnel
pedestrian bridge
alleys that are too small to be driven by a passenger car
Is there a limit on the amount of via points in a Route Analysis route?
The limit of the amount of via points is 50. Any request with more than 50 via points will be rejected.
Which map version I should use in my analysis?
See here for detailed information.