Knowledge Base
Reporting map content issues

Reporting map content issues

If you selected Map content issues, follow these steps:
1. Assess the severity

Select the severity level (High, Medium, or Low) based on the impact on data accuracy and functionality.

Customer Support - AssessSeverity2. Define the geographic scope

Specify how widespread the issue is (Global, Regional, Country-level, or Local).

3. Confirm recurrence

Indicate whether this issue has been reported before (Yes or No). If it’s a new, location-specific issue, you'll be redirected to a map editing tool (Vertex or Map Share Reporter) to mark the affected area.

4. Provide additional details


  • Affected map region and country/countries

  • Map version (Check the Map Content Portal if needed)

  • Impacted features

  • Description (Include coordinates if possible)

  • Attachments (Screenshots, logs, etc.)

customer support additional details5. Submit the report

Click Report now to complete the process.

Providing accurate and detailed information helps our support team resolve the issue efficiently and improve the user experience.

Next: Case confirmation and tracking.

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