Migration guide

Service version: 1
Last edit: 2025.01.24
TomTom Orbis Maps

Important notes:

How to find the new endpoint

The Orbis Maps Assets API endpoint for styles is:

URL request format

All style request paths must end in style.json.

The Orbis Maps Assets API endpoint for sprites is:

URL request format

All sprite request paths must end in sprite.png, or sprite.json, or sprite@2x.png, or sprite@2x.json for high resolution sprites.

The Orbis Maps Assets API endpoint for fonts is:

URL request format

Changes in the requests or parameters

  • Either the apiVersion query parameter or the TomTom-Api-Version header needs to be present. (e.g., &apiVersion=1)
  • All style and sprite requests must be constructed with the style name(s) in the query parameters. (e.g., &map=basic_street-light)
  • Style and sprite requests no longer have separate endpoints for Map Styles, Traffic Styles or Merged Styles.
  • The traffic_flow and traffic_incidents style type query parameter keys have been renamed to trafficFlow and trafficIncidents.
  • The available style types are map, trafficFlow, trafficIncidents, and hillshade.
  • The available sprite types are map, trafficFlow, and trafficIncidents.
  • The style and sprite type restrictions is currently not available for Orbis.
  • The style and sprite type poi no longer exists. Poi style features have been integrated into base map styles.
  • Requests containing any unsupported query parameter keys or values will not be processed.
  • The resourceVariant parameter, previously used to request variants of resources with different compatibility options, no longer exists.