Geofences Creator

Service version: 1
Last edit: 2022.09.01


The Geofences Creator is an application that will help you to create geofences using the TomTom Geofencing API. This application allows you to easily create and edit fences that are stored in the Geofencing API service. It supports the following shape types:

  • circle
  • rectangle
  • corridor
  • polygon

Also, you can search for POI (Points of Interest) or geometry (that is handled by the Search API service) and receive its shape boundaries.


API Key - If you don't have an API Key visit the How to get a TomTom API Key site and create one.

Creating a fence

Open the Geofences Creator.

Create a circle shaped fence

  1. Move the map where you want to put your fence.
  2. On the top-right side of the page, there is a widget from which you can select an action to perform. Select the circle icon.
  3. Click on a location where you want to put the center of a circle.
  4. Move your pointer away from the center to pick a desired radius.
  5. Click a second time to end the drawing. A popup opens. Provide a name for the fence and optionally, any additional JSON properties.

Your newly created fence is now stored at the Geofencing API service.

  1. Click on the fence.
    • In the popup you can see its ID that you can refer to in your device application.
    • It also contains a Delete button to delete the selected fence.
  2. Drawing a fence can be canceled anytime by pressing the Escape button.

Create a corridor

  1. Click on the corridor icon in the widget.
  2. Click on a point where you want to start drawing.
  3. Move/slide your pointer and then click to add a point.
  4. Double click to end the drawing.

Create a fence based on a search result

  1. Click on the search icon in the widget.
  2. In the following form, type in a POI (Points of Interest) or city name that you want to search.
  3. Click on the execute button.

See it in action. Use the controls at the bottom of the video screen to start and stop the video.


The TomTom Geofences Creator allows you to easily create geofences that can be used and referenced later. Check our SDK for Android example application to see how to use the Geofencing API with the SDK for Android. In case of any questions, feel free to reach out to us via the Contact Us page.