Traffic Incidents - DATEX II

Last edit: 2024.11.29
TomTom Maps


The TomTom Traffic Incidents - Intermediate Service – DATEX II endpoint (hereafter called ‘Service’) is based on DATEX II v1.0. DATEX II is a standard for information exchange between traffic control centers, service providers, and application developers.

The Service provides the latest real-time information about traffic incidents, their causes and impacts on travelers. Typical traffic incidents include accidents, road construction projects, traffic jams, travel weather warnings, road closures, and any other road-related situation that could potentially cause a delay.

In this document, we discuss how to access the service and the features that are included.


TomTom only supports the Intermediate Service with the use of the TomTom customized DATEX II schema, available for download from our website (linked previously and later in this document). Using the Service with the standard DATEX II schema will disable the functionality that is included with the Service. Therefore, the standard DATEX II schema is not supported.

Information on specific events on road regulations due to COVID-19 are found in the FAQs.


This document gives basic information on the Service and shows how to configure it to work with your environment. The fields are described in two sets of tables. One that defines them in a logical way, and the other describes in detail how they are represented in DATEX II format. Basic knowledge of installing and using XML-based schemas is necessary.

Intended audience

This information is intended to be used by TomTom partners and customers (decision makers and developers).

Standard configurations

TomTom offers traffic incident data to customers. In the basic configuration, TomTom provides customers information on traffic congestion and other roadwork-related traffic events.

Each traffic incident is represented in a DATEX II event, and we add an Alert-C event code with the same meaning. This Alert-C event code allows the user to customize the content at their own discretion. This information is organized by country-based datasets. The product is static. This means that the included regions and features are fixed once the product is configured. Products are customer-specific.

Detailed information about the physical representation in DATEX II can be found in the following section, Standard information.

Optional configurations

The Service provides users traffic incident data with a highly customizable optional configuration, in addition to the standard configuration.

Detailed information about the physical representation in DATEX II can be found in the following section, Optional information.

Incident end time

This option predicts the expected ending time for the traffic incident such as the expected end time of a jam or a closure.

Jam tendency

This feature indicates whether a jam is improving, remaining stable, or becoming worse.

Weather-related messages

This feature reports messages for road segments that could be impacted by severe weather.

Jam ahead warnings

Selecting this option generates special warning messages when a location registers high-speed differences. Specifically, when the tail end of the jam is projected to intercept oncoming traffic, creating a potentially dangerous situation. The user can enable messages for only jam-ahead warnings or have them delivered next to all regular messages. This option is not available with TMC location referencing.

Average speed for journalistic events

Selecting this option adds the average speed values for journalistic messages (for example, road works, or lane restrictions). This is the average speed as measured by TomTom.

Turn-dependent jams

Selecting this option provides the user with turn-dependent jams information. The user receives messages when a portion of the jam is projected to affect travel only if following in the direction of the jam. Common use cases include: congestion on exit ramps, entry ramps, turn-lanes, and so on. This feature is only available in combination with the location referencing method OpenLR.

HOV jams

Selecting this option provides the user with high-occupancy vehicle (HOV) jams information. This feature is only available in combination with the location referencing method OpenLR.

Incident node name

Selecting this option provides node names for cross-streets at the beginning and end of the road segment.

Road number

Selecting this option provides the road identifier or road number of the affected location (for example, VA-606).

Future incidents

Selecting this option includes incidents whose start time is in the future (for example, planned roadworks, or road closures).

Map version

This options provides the names and versions of the maps that were used to create the content.

Request data

The Service uses RESTful API (Representation State Transfer) technology. Since you only need to use one URL, the service is relatively uncomplicated to use.

'Simple HTTP server' profile

The interface supports the client pull method, also known as the simple HTTP server profile. The profile is described in the Software Developers Guide and Exchange Platform Specific Model (see the DATEX II payload specification for the links to the documents). TomTom does not support the SOAP envelope as described in the Software Developers Guide.


To use this service, ensure that all prerequisites are met as described in the section, A secure connection or at Authentication for client certificate access.

How do you make a request?

To make a request, the URL should be constructed as shown in the following sections.


For ease of viewing and identification:

  • Constants and parameters enclosed in curly brackets { } must be replaced with their values.
  • Please see the following Request parameters section with the required and optional parameters tables for their values. The generic request format is as follows.

The sample URL is formatted as follows:

URL request format

The following is an example URL:

URL request example{Your_API_Key}/content.xml

The following is an example cURL:

cURL request example
curl --compressed -XGET '{Your_API_Key}/content.xml'

Request parameters

The following table provides a detailed explanation of the available fields that were previously shown in the HTTPS Method: GET section.

Required parametersDescription


Base URL for calling the API.


Name of the product (feed) you are requesting. These will be indicated to you as part of the provisioning process. Typically, it explains the country (country code), type of feed (HDT is the incident feed), and the location referencing method (TMC or OpenLR).


Authorization key for access to the API.
Value: Your valid API Key.

Request headers

Since incident feeds can be very large, TomTom recommends optimizing the information transmission as much as possible. By doing this, the client receives more up-to-date information.

All responses will be gzip compressed as it significantly reduces the payload size. The use of the HTTP header Accept-Encoding is not necessary. For more information see our page about Gzip compression.


TomTom recommends using the standard HTTP header If-Modified-Since with the last value of Last-Modified received. When this header is used properly, you avoid unnecessarily downloading identical content. For details, see the HTTP/1.1 standard (RFC2616 section 14.25).
Value: Example: Wed, 21 Oct 2015 07:28:00 GMT

Response data

Response codes

Response codeDescription
200 OK

Indicates that the request has succeeded. The response body will contain the requested data.

304 Not Modified

Only used if the If-Modified-Since header has been set by the client. Indicates that the requested data has not been modified since the last request. For more information see Request headers.

401 Unauthorized

Indicates that the request requires user authentication information. The client MAY repeat the request with a suitable Authorization header field.

406 Not Acceptable

The server doesn't find any content that conforms with the Accept-Encoding header send in the request. This may happen if Accept-Encoding is set to identity or gzip;q=0.

Response example

This is a response you receive after a request is made. If you make the following request:

URL request example{Your_API_Key}/content.xml

You can expect the following response:

Response example - XML
1<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
2<d2LogicalModel modelBaseVersion="1.0">
3 <exchange>
4 <supplierIdentification>
5 <country>nl</country>
6 <nationalIdentifier>TomTom Traffic Service</nationalIdentifier>
7 </supplierIdentification>
8 </exchange>
9 <payloadPublication xsi:type="SituationPublication" lang="en">
10 <publicationTime>2015-12-14T12:09:03Z</publicationTime>
11 <publicationCreator>
12 <country>other</country>
13 <nationalIdentifier>a557f357-4196-4f7f-8002-8c8aa0e18193</nationalIdentifier>
14 </publicationCreator>
15 <situation id="TTI-a557f357-4196-4f7f-8002-8c8aa0e18193-TTL119738232499376">
16 <headerInformation>
17 <confidentiality>internalUse</confidentiality>
18 <informationStatus>real</informationStatus>
19 <urgency>urgent</urgency>
20 </headerInformation>
21 <situationRecord xsi:type="AbnormalTraffic" id="TTI-a557f357-4196-4f7f-8002-8c8aa0e18193-TTL119738232499376-1">
22 <situationRecordCreationTime>2015-12-14T12:09:03Z</situationRecordCreationTime>
23 <situationRecordVersion>1</situationRecordVersion>
24 <situationRecordVersionTime>2015-12-14T12:09:03Z</situationRecordVersionTime>
25 <situationRecordFirstSupplierVersionTime>2015-12-14T12:09:03Z</situationRecordFirstSupplierVersionTime>
26 <probabilityOfOccurrence>probable</probabilityOfOccurrence>
27 <validity>
28 <validityStatus>definedByValidityTimeSpec</validityStatus>
29 <validityTimeSpecification>
30 <overallStartTime>2015-12-14T12:09:03Z</overallStartTime>
31 <overallEndTime>2015-12-14T12:29:03Z</overallEndTime>
32 </validityTimeSpecification>
33 </validity>
34 <impact>
35 <delays>
36 <delayTimeValue>94.0</delayTimeValue>
37 </delays>
38 </impact>
39 <groupOfLocations>
40 <locationContainedInGroup xsi:type="Linear">
41 <locationExtension>
42 <openlr>
43 <binary version="3">CweksCU8dxt9DP8AAmQcSRE=</binary>
44 </openlr>
45 </locationExtension>
46 </locationContainedInGroup>
47 </groupOfLocations>
48 <situationRecordExtension>
49 <alertCEventCode>115</alertCEventCode>
50 </situationRecordExtension>
51 <abnormalTrafficType>slowTraffic</abnormalTrafficType>
52 <trafficTrendType>trafficBuildingUp</trafficTrendType>
53 <abnormalTrafficExtension>
54 <averageSpeed>18.0</averageSpeed>
55 </abnormalTrafficExtension>
56 </situationRecord>
57 </situation>
61 </payloadPublication>

Response – DATEX II payload specification (analysis of the received output)

The payload in the output is formatted as DATEX II, which is a European standard for the exchange of Traffic and Travel Information. TomTom supports version 1. Recommended documents are:

The Elaborated Data Publication, used by TomTom, is described in more detail in section 4.11 of the DATEX II User Guide version 1.0.

Important: XSD schema

TomTom extended the data model with additional fields; the full XSD schema including extensions can be downloaded by clicking this Level B extension. It is a "Level B" extension of the standard XML schema: DATEXIISchema_1_0_1_0.xsd. Such an extension is interoperable with the "Level A" data model (see section 2.2.3 in the DATEX II User Guide version 1.0 for more information).

How the data is organized

Situation publication

The traffic information is provided as a SituationPublication. A SituationPublication is the snapshot of the latest traffic data. A SituationPublication can contain several different situations.

The service does not support a delta mechanism. Therefore, incremental updates are not possible.


A situation represents a traffic or travel incident comprising one or more traffic or travel circumstances. These are linked by one or more causal relationships and apply to related locations. Each traffic or travel circumstance is represented by a SituationRecord.

Situation record

A SituationRecord is one element of a situation. It is characterized by values at a given time, defining one version of this element. When these values change, a new version is created. One SituationRecord can be:

  • a road or traffic related event (traffic element)
  • an operator action
  • a piece of information that is based on a non-road event

and can contain:

  • an advisory
  • details that impact the estimated time of arrival

Unique identifier

Each Situation has a unique identifier. Additionally, every SituationRecord also has a unique identifier. This identifier is established when the Situation or SituationRecord is first created in the DATEX II system database. As long as the situation exists, this identifier will always be present within the system. The unique identifier has a fixed prefix "TT", followed by a string. No further assumptions should be made about the identifier.

The identifier is unique across all supported countries.


If the current delay is available for a SituationRecord, the delayTimeValue is provided in the Impact. If there is information about closed lanes, because of an accident or other incident, it can be populated in ImpactDetails.

In some cases, there are multiple SituationRecords that are related to each other. For instance, there can be a traffic jam that is caused by an accident. If the locations of these SituationRecords overlap or are connected AND they occur in the same direction, then the SituationRecords are contained in the same Situation. In that case, a single Situation contains more than one SituationRecord.

Sometimes, it is possible that two SituationRecords are related to each other, but do not overlap. For instance, one SituationRecord contains a diversion advice, located at a highway intersection. Since the road is blocked farther along the segment, that is described in a different SituationRecord. In that case, the SituationPublication does not contain a reference from one SituationRecord to the other.

For the first example, consider combining the information from the SituationRecords in your end application to let the end-user know there is a delay due to an accident. In the second example, there is a diversion due to a road closure.

Standard information

The DATEX II data model has been extended to allow additional parameters. Some of these extensions are needed for the standard feed information (see also Standard configurations).


Validity period


validity (SituationRecord)


Specifies the validity of a SituationRecord. The validity status and the start time of the event as part of the validity time specification are provided. A SituationRecord has a validity period that is comprised of:

  • a mandatory validityStatus,

  • a mandatory overallStartTime, which indicates the start of the SituationRecord, if it is in the past, or an expected start date, if it is in the future.

The Incident end time and Future incidents are optional features and not part of the standard information.

1<situationRecord [...]>
2 [...]
3 <validity>
4 <validityStatus>active</validityStatus>
5 <validityTimeSpecification>
6 <overallStartTime>2020-11-04T08:00:00Z</overallStartTime>
7 </validityTimeSpecification>
8 </validity>
9 [...]



groupOfLocations (SituationRecord)


Every SituationRecord contains a groupOfLocations, which describes the involved location. The Location is defined in section 4.16 of the DATEX II User Guide. TMC and OpenLR (binary version 3) are the location referencing methods supported by the Service. The feeds can be configured to only contain TMC, only OpenLR or both location referencing methods. Note that situation records whose location is outside the TMC network will not be contained in feeds configured for only TMC. The individual types are examined in more detail below.

OpenLR location referencing

OpenLR (see ) is a dynamic location referencing method that allows referencing of any road on the complete digital map. Because of its flexibility, it is possible to describe traffic incidents on both high-level and lower-level road classes that are not usually covered by the Traffic Message Channel (TMC). TomTom uses the terms TMC and Alert-C interchangeably throughout this documentation; they have the same meaning. OpenLR is available free of charge. The Service uses binary format version 3, as described in the OpenLR whitepaper. The whitepaper, software developer kit, and open source reference implementation can be downloaded from the OpenLR website. TomTom offers support for third parties to implement and test their own implementations.

TMC (Alert-C) location referencing

The TMC feed uses Alert-C as the location referencing method. See section 4.16.5 in the DATEX II User Guide for more information. An Alert-C location reference contains a reference to a specific version of a TMC Location Table. TMC allows referrals to AREA, POINT, or LINEAR locations. Either Method2 or Method4 is used in the feed, depending on the availability of offset(s). If offset information is available, Method4 is used to identify an exact location. If the exact length of the location is available, it is provided as lengthAffected in a supplementaryPositionalDescription. Note: There is a difference between the direction of TMC LINEAR location in the incident feed and the flow feeds that we support. The TMC LINEAR location in the incident feed does not need to be inverted (unlike the flow feed)! Additionally, the direction is implicitly stated by the primary and secondary locations.

only OpenLR:

2 <locationContainedInGroup xsi:type="Linear">
3 <locationExtension>
4 <openlr>
5 <binary version="3">CwkmCSJZIRtmJQiDBE4bEg==</binary>
6 </openlr>
7 </locationExtension>
8 </locationContainedInGroup>

only TMC:

2 <locationContainedInGroup xsi:type="Linear">
3 <supplementaryPositionalDescription>
4 <lengthAffected>87.0</lengthAffected>
5 </supplementaryPositionalDescription>
6 <alertCLinear xsi:type="AlertCMethod4Linear">
7 <alertCLocationCountryCode>D</alertCLocationCountryCode>
8 <alertCLocationTableNumber>1</alertCLocationTableNumber>
9 <alertCLocationTableVersion>18.0</alertCLocationTableVersion>
10 <alertCDirection>
11 <alertCDirectionCoded>positive</alertCDirectionCoded>
12 </alertCDirection>
13 <alertCMethod4PrimaryPointLocation>
14 <alertCLocation>
15 <specificLocation>30920</specificLocation>
16 </alertCLocation>
17 <offsetDistance>
18 <offsetDistance>1359</offsetDistance>
19 </offsetDistance>
20 </alertCMethod4PrimaryPointLocation>
21 <alertCMethod4SecondaryPointLocation>
22 <alertCLocation>
23 <specificLocation>30929</specificLocation>
24 </alertCLocation>
25 <offsetDistance>
26 <offsetDistance>0</offsetDistance>
27 </offsetDistance>
28 </alertCMethod4SecondaryPointLocation>
29 </alertCLinear>
30 </locationContainedInGroup>

TMC + OpenLR:

2 <locationContainedInGroup xsi:type="Linear">
3 <locationExtension>
4 <openlr>
5 [binary]
6 </openlr>
7 </locationExtension>
8 <supplementaryPositionalDescription>
9 [affected length]
10 </supplementaryPositionalDescription>
11 <alertCLinear xsi:type="AlertCMethod4Linear">
12 [TMC location reference information]
13 </alertCLinear>
14 </locationContainedInGroup>

Average speed for jams


averageSpeed (AbnormalTrafficExtensionType)


The average speed for congestion events, in km/h.

1<situationRecord xsi:type="AbnormalTraffic" [...]>
2 [...]
3 <abnormalTrafficExtension>
4 <averageSpeed>18.0</averageSpeed>
5 </abnormalTrafficExtension>

Delay for jams


impact (SituationRecord)


The impact provides information on the delay of congestion events in seconds. Delay information for journalistic events is offered as part of the optional feature Average speed for journalistic events.

1<situationRecord xsi:type="AbnormalTraffic" [...]>
2 [...]
3 <impact>
4 <delays>
5 <delayTimeValue>64.0</delayTimeValue>
6 </delays>
7 </impact>
8 [...]

Alert-C event codes


alertCEventCode (SituationRecordExtensionType)


The Alert-C event code describing the SituationRecord. There can be zero or more codes. It is highly recommended to use alertCEventCode to classify the incident and map it to a list of categories that are to be supported (e.g., traffic jams, road closures, road works, lane closures, accidents, etc.)

Refer to ISO TS 14819-2 at for Alert-C codes and conventions.

1<situationRecord [...]>
2 [...]
3 <situationRecordExtension>
4 <alertCEventCode>115</alertCEventCode>
5 </situationRecordExtension>

Language specific texts


generalPublicComment (SituationRecord)


A SituationRecord may contain language-specific text. For example, this can be a diversion advice, provided by the network manager, or some other free text. Typically, this text is available only in the language of the country. The information is reported as a (list of) generalPublicComment element(s).

1<situationRecord [...]>
2 [...]
3 <generalPublicComment>
4 <comment>
5 <value lang="en">The pass is free in both directions.</value>
6 <comment>
7 </generalPublicComment>

Probability of occurrence


probabilityOfOccurrence (SituationRecord)


The semantics of this field are deprecated and will be removed in the future. Do not use. The reason why this attribute is used at all is that in DATEX II v1.0 it is a mandatory field.

1 <situationRecord [...]>
2 [...]
3 <probabilityOfOccurrence>probable</probabilityOfOccurrence>
4 [...]
5 </situationRecord>

Optional information

The DATEX II data model has been extended to allow additional parameters. The Service has the following possible extensions. Additional details are shown in Optional configurations.


Incident end time


overallEndTime (OverallPeriod)


This field is expressed as a UTC time (e.g., 14:22 UTC). These end times may be created by TomTom or originate from local road authorities (for journalistic events).

1<situationRecord [...]>
2 [...]
3 <validity>
4 <validityStatus>definedByValidityTimeSpec</validityStatus>
5 <validityTimeSpecification>
6 <overallStartTime>2018-08-14T08:00:00Z</overallStartTime>
7 <overallEndTime>2018-12-24T00:00:00Z</overallEndTime>
8 </validityTimeSpecification>
9 </validity>
10 [...]

Jam tendency


trafficTrendType (AbnormalTraffic)


The feature is supported for the situation record type AbnormalTraffic. The following values may be present:

  • trafficBuildingUp
  • trafficEasing
  • trafficStable
  • unknown
1<situationRecord [...] xsi:type="AbnormalTraffic" [...]>
2 [...]
3 <trafficTrendType>trafficBuildingUp</trafficTrendType>
4 [...]

poorEnvironmentType (PoorEnvironmentConditions)


Snow or heavy rain conditions use suitable Alert-C event codes and DATEX II classifications. The following Alert-C event codes and weather conditions are used:

  • Alert-C event code 1101 (snow), poor environment condition heavySnowfall
  • Alert-C event code 1106 (hail), poor environment condition hail
  • Alert-C event code 1107 (sleet), poor environment condition sleet
  • Alert-C event code 1109 (heavy rain), poor environment condition heavyRain

Jam ahead warnings

  • openlr (LocationExtensionType)

  • averageSpeed (AbnormalTrafficExtensionType)


An OpenLR point along line reference is used for this message. The jam ahead warning is recognized by a locationContainedInGroup with type Point in combination with the presence of an averageSpeed.

1<situationRecord [...] xsi:type="AbnormalTraffic" [...]>
2 [...]
3 <groupOfLocations>
4 <locationContainedInGroup xsi:type="Point">
5 <locationExtension>
6 <openlr>
7 <binary version="3">KwchAiYFHQEfGf8LBSABUEc=</binary>
8 </openlr>
9 </locationExtension>
10 </locationContainedInGroup>
11 </groupOfLocations>
12 [...]
13 <abnormalTrafficExtension>
14 <averageSpeed>29.0</averageSpeed>
15 </abnormalTrafficExtension>

Average speed for journalistic events

  • averageSpeed (AccidentExtensionType , ConditionsExtensionType, EnvironmentalObstructionExtensionType, EquipmentDamageObstructionExtensionType, GeneralObstructionExtensionType, OperatorActionExtensionType, PoorRoadInfraStructureExtensionType)

  • impact (SituationRecord)


We provide measured average speeds for different journalistic event types. We created DATEX II extensions for each journalistic event type that supports speeds (also see Fields above). In addition to the speed information the delay is indicated as part of the impact.

Example of a GeneralObstruction element:

1<situationRecord [...] xsi:type="GeneralObstruction" [...]>
2 [...]
3 <impact>
4 <delays>
5 <delayTimeValue>34.0</delayTimeValue>
6 </delays>
7 </impact>
8 [...]
9 <generalObstructionExtension>
10 <averageSpeed>59.6</averageSpeed>
11 </generalObstructionExtension>

All other extension types listed on the left work the same way as GeneralObstruction.

Turn-dependent jams


conditionalOffset (SituationRecordExtensionType)


To find the actual affected location, the (conditional) offset must be applied from the end of the location.

1<situationRecord [...]>
2 [...]
3 <situationRecordExtension>
4 <alertCEventCode>115</alertCEventCode>
5 <conditionalOffset>151</conditionalOffset>
6 </situationRecordExtension>
7 [...]

HOV jams


lanes (SupplementaryPositionalDescription)


The lanes indicator carPoolLanes identifies HOV lanes.

1<situationRecord [...]>
2 [...]
3 <groupOfLocations>
4 <locationContainedInGroup xsi:type="Linear">
5 <locationExtension>
6 <openlr>
7 <binary version="3">KwSSoyRHmAEVCP18/zsBRds=</binary>
8 </openlr>
9 </locationExtension>
10 <supplementaryPositionalDescription>
11 <lanes>carPoolLane</lanes>
12 </supplementaryPositionalDescription>
13 </locationContainedInGroup>
14 </groupOfLocations>
15 [...]

Incident node name

  • fromNodeName (LocationExtensionType)
  • toNodeName (LocationExtensionType)
1<situationRecord [...]>
2 [...]
3 <groupOfLocations>
4 <locationContainedInGroup xsi:type="Linear">
5 <locationExtension>
6 [...]
7 <fromNodeName>
8 <name>Nord-West-Umfahrung / Gottlieb-Daimler-Straße</name>
9 </fromNodeName>
10 <toNodeName>
11 <name>Nürtinger Straße (L1205)</name>
12 </toNodeName>
13 [...]
14 </locationExtension>
15 </locationContainedInGroup>
16 </groupOfLocations>
17 [...]

Road number

Fields:roadNumber (LocationExtensionType)

Example for the German freeway (Autobahn) A3:

1<situationRecord [...]>
2 [...]
3 <groupOfLocations>
4 <locationContainedInGroup xsi:type="Linear">
5 <locationExtension>
6 [...]
7 <roadNumber>A3</roadNumber>
8 </locationExtension>
9 </locationContainedInGroup>
10 </groupOfLocations>
11 [...]

Future incidents

  • overallStartTime (OverallPeriod)

  • validityStatus (Validity)


This field is expressed as a UTC time (e.g., 14:22 UTC). The start time of future incidents is after the publication time. The validityStatus of the message is set to suspended.

1<?xml version="1.0" ?>
3 xmlns=""
4 modelBaseVersion="1.0">
5 [...]
6 <payloadPublication
7 xmlns:xsi=""
8 xsi:type="SituationPublication" lang="en">
9 <!-- time when snapshot was created -->
10 <publicationTime>2018-09-01T00:00:00Z</publicationTime>
11 <situation [...]>
12 <situationRecord [...]>
13 [...]
14 <validity>
15 <validityStatus>suspended</validityStatus>
16 <validityTimeSpecification>
17 <!-- start time of the incident -->
18 <overallStartTime>2018-10-01T00:00:00Z</overallStartTime>
19 </validityTimeSpecification>
20 </validity>
21 [...]
22 </situationRecord>
23 </situation>
24 </payloadPublication>

Map version


mapVersion (PayloadPublicationExtensionType)

1<?xml version="1.0" ?>
3 xmlns=""
4 modelBaseVersion="1.0">
5 [...]
6 <payloadPublication
7 xmlns:xsi=""
8 xsi:type="SituationPublication" lang="en">
9 [...]
10 <payloadPublicationExtension>
11 <mapVersion>eur2018.06</mapVersion>
12 </payloadPublicationExtension>
13 <!-- list of situation elements follows -->
14 [...]
15 </payloadPublication>