Common Routing Parameters

Service version: 1
Last edit: 2023.05.27
TomTom Maps


This document provides fundamental route planning parameters and types that can be used, among others, in the:

Please be aware that this document does not specify the complete request or response format. To maintain forward compatibility you must be able to process responses with additional non-documented data fields. Our deprecation policy only covers the documented subset of these formats.


Types subset



Latitude, longitude pair (in EPSG:4326 projection), with the following constraints:

  • Latitude values must be in the range [-90, +90].

  • Longitude values must be in the range [-180, +180].

Example: 52.37245,4.89406


A location represented as a JSON object. The object should contain the two fields latitude and longitude each containing a number, and expressed in the same reference frame and with the same constraints as for the location type.
Example: {"latitude": 52.37245, "longitude": 4.89406}


A date and time specified in RFC 3339 format with an optional time zone offset.

  • 2023-12-19T16:39:57
  • 2023-12-19T16:39:57-08:00

string (contains a pair of two, comma-separated floats)

Comma-separated speedInkmh,consumptionInLitersPerHundredkm pair with the following constraint: The speedInkmh values must be in the range [0.0, 255.0].
Example: 15.5,10.0

string (contains a pair of two, comma-separated floats)

Comma-separated speedInkmh,consumptionInkWhPerHundredkm pairs with the following constraint: The speedInkmh values must be in the range [0.0, 255.0].
Example: 15.5,8.0

Request data

Request headers

The following data table describes HTTP request headers of particular interest to the Calculate Route and Calculate Reachable Range service clients.

  • Required headers must be used or the call will fail.
  • Optional headers may be used.
  • The order of request headers is not important.

Optional headers



Requests that the response be compressed.
Value: gzip


Specifies the compression used for the request body. Currently, only gzip is supported. If not specified, no compression is assumed. This is equal to specifying identity.

Note: This header is optional and can only be used for POST requests.


  • identity
  • gzip

Specifies the MIME type of the body of the request.

Note: This header is required for POST requests.

Value: application/json


Specifies an identifier for the request.

  • The value should be unique for each request.
  • The value must match the regular expression '^[a-zA-Z0-9-_\.]{1,100}$'.

  • If specified, the same value is sent back in the similar-named response header. Otherwise, a generated value may be sent back.

Base path parameters

Parameter subset

The following data table describes a subset of the parameters that can be used in the Calculate Route and Calculate Reachable Range services.

  • Required parameters must be used or the call will fail.
  • Optional parameters may be used.

Required parameters



Base URL for calling the API.

  • The default global API endpoint.

  • The region-specific endpoint for South Korea. See the Region-specific content documentation.

Optional parameters



The content type of the response structure.
Possible values:

  • json
  • jsonp

Note: If the content type is jsonp, a callback method can be specified in the query parameters.

Request parameters

Request parameters are presented in two sections:

Section 1. Common Routing Parameters

This section presents a set of loosely connected parameters that influence the operation of the routing algorithm. While some of them are associated, the majority can be used independently of the others.

  • Required parameters must be used or the call will fail.
  • Optional parameters may be used.

Required parameters



Authorization key to access the API.
Value: Your valid API Key.

Optional parameters



Specifies the jsonp callback method. Only used when contentType is jsonp.
Default value: callback


Specifies which data should be reported for diagnostic purposes. A possible value is: effectiveSettings.

  • Reports the effective parameters or data used when calling the API.

  • In the case of defaulted parameters, the default will be reflected where the parameter was not specified by the caller.

Default value: effectiveSettings


The date and time of departure from the origin point.

  • Departure times apart from now must be specified as a dateTime.

  • When a time zone offset is not specified, it will be assumed to be that of the origin point.

  • The departAt parameter cannot be used in conjunction with arriveAt.

Default value: now
Other value: dateTime


The date and time of arrival at the destination point.

  • It must be specified as a dateTime.

  • When a time zone offset is not specified it will be assumed to be that of the destination point.

The arriveAt parameter cannot be used in conjunction with:

  • departAt
  • minDeviationDistance
  • minDeviationTime

It cannot be used in calculateReachableRange requests.
Value: dateTime


Specifies the type of optimization used when calculating routes.
Possible values are:

  • fastest: Route calculation is optimized by travel time, while keeping the routes sensible. For example, the calculation may avoid shortcuts along inconvenient side roads or long detours that only save very little time.

  • shortest: Route calculation is optimized by travel distance, while keeping the routes sensible. For example, straight routes are preferred over those incurring turns.

  • short: Route calculation is optimized such that a good compromise between small travel time and short travel distance is achieved.

  • eco: Route calculation is optimized such that a good compromise between small travel time and low fuel or energy consumption is achieved.

  • thrilling: Route calculation is optimized such that routes include interesting or challenging roads and use as few motorways as possible.

    • You can choose the level of turns included and also the degree of hilliness.

    • See the hilliness and windingness parameters to set this.

    • There is a limit of 900km on routes planned with routeType=thrilling.

Default value: fastest


Possible values are:

  • true: Do consider all available traffic information during routing.

  • false: Ignore current traffic data during routing. Note that although the current traffic data is ignored during routing, the effect of historic traffic on effective road speeds is still incorporated.

Depending on availability, the Routing API takes road closures and road works into account that are up to 60 days in the future.
Default value: true


Specifies something that the route calculation should try to avoid when determining the route. The avoid can be specified multiple times (e.g., ...&avoid=motorways&avoid=ferries&...).
Possible values are:

  • tollRoads: Avoids toll roads.

  • motorways: Avoids motorways.

  • ferries: Avoids ferries.

  • unpavedRoads: Avoids unpaved roads.

  • carpools: Avoids routes that require use of carpool (HOV/High Occupancy Vehicle) lanes.

  • alreadyUsedRoads:

    • Avoids using the same road multiple times.
    • This is most useful in conjunction with routeType=thrilling.

  • borderCrossings: Avoids crossing country borders.

  • tunnels: Avoids tunnels.

  • carTrains: Avoids car trains.

  • lowEmissionZones: Avoids low-emission zones.

Note: In calculateReachableRange requests, the value alreadyUsedRoads must not be used.


Specifies something that the route calculation should try to prefer when determining the route.
Possible value:

  • handsFreeDriving: Prefer stretches that allow for hands-free driving.

    • If this parameter is set, then handsFreeDrivingCapability must also be set.


Specifies the hands-free driving capability of the vehicle. The available hands-free driving data is matched against handsFreeDrivingCapability in order to filter for the subset of data that applies to the specific capability of the vehicle.

  • The value must match the regular expression '^[a-zA-Z0-9-:]{1,100}$'.


The mode of travel for the requested route.

  • Note that the requested travelMode may not be available for the entire route.

  • Where the requested travelMode is not available for a particular section, the travelMode field of the response for that section will be set to "other".

Note that travel modes bus, motorcycle, taxi, and van are in BETA functionality.

  • Full restriction data is not available in all areas.
  • In calculateReachableRange requests, the values bicycle and pedestrian must not be used.

Default value: car
Other values:

  • truck
  • taxi
  • bus
  • van
  • motorcycle
  • bicycle
  • pedestrian


Degree of hilliness for a thrilling route.
Note: This parameter can only be used in conjunction with routeType=thrilling.
Default value: normal
Other values:

  • low
  • high


Level of turns for thrilling route.
Note: This parameter can only be used in conjunction with routeType=thrilling.
Default value: normal
Other values:

  • low
  • high


Maximum speed of the vehicle in kilometers/hour.

  • Must have a value in the range [0, 250].

  • A value of 0 means that an appropriate value for the vehicle will be determined and applied during route planning.

Default value: 0


Weight of the vehicle in kilograms.

  • If a detailed Consumption model is specified, refer to the following Consumption model parameters section for the documentation of vehicleWeight.

  • If a detailed Consumption model is not specified, and the value of vehicleWeight is non-zero, then weight restrictions are considered.

  • In all other cases, this parameter is ignored.

Default value: 0


Weight per axle of the vehicle in kilograms. A value of 0 means that weight restrictions per axle are not considered.
Default value: 0


Number of axles of the vehicle. A value of 0 means that the number of axles restrictions are not considered.
Default value: 0


Length of the vehicle in meters, including the length of any additional equipment, e.g., trailers, bike racks, etc. A value of 0 means that length restrictions are not considered. Fractional digits are rounded to the closest centimeter while rounding up on a tie.
Default value: 0


Width of the vehicle in meters. A value of 0 means that width restrictions are not considered. Fractional digits are rounded to the closest centimeter while rounding up on a tie.
Default value: 0


Height of the vehicle in meters. A value of 0 means that height restrictions are not considered. Fractional digits are rounded to the closest centimeter while rounding up on a tie.
Default value: 0


Vehicle is used for commercial purposes and thus may not be allowed to drive on some roads.
Default value: false


Specifies types of cargo that may be classified as hazardous materials and are restricted from some roads. The vehicleLoadType parameter can be specified multiple times (e.g.,




Available values are:

  • US Hazmat classes 1 through 9
  • Generic classifications for use in other countries.

Use these values for routing in the USA:

  • USHazmatClass1: Explosives

  • USHazmatClass2: Compressed gas

  • USHazmatClass3: Flammable liquids

  • USHazmatClass4: Flammable solids

  • USHazmatClass5: Oxidizers

  • USHazmatClass6: Poisons

  • USHazmatClass7: Radioactive

  • USHazmatClass8: Corrosives

  • USHazmatClass9: Miscellaneous

Use these values for routing in all other countries:

  • otherHazmatExplosive: Explosives

  • otherHazmatGeneral: Miscellaneous

  • otherHazmatHarmfulToWater: Harmful to water


  • If travelMode is pedestrian or bicycle,vehicleLoadType is not considered.

  • The vehicleLoadType and vehicleAdrTunnelRestrictionCode parameters are independent; please provide both if applicable.


If vehicleAdrTunnelRestrictionCode is specified, the vehicle is subject to ADR tunnel restrictions.

  • Vehicles with code B are restricted from roads with ADR tunnel categories B, C, D, and E.

  • Vehicles with code C are restricted from roads with ADR tunnel categories C, D, and E.

  • Vehicles with code D are restricted from roads with ADR tunnel categories D and E.

  • Vehicles with code E are restricted from roads with ADR tunnel category E.

  • If vehicleAdrTunnelRestrictionCode is not specified, no ADR tunnel restrictions apply.


  • If travelMode is pedestrian or bicycle, vehicleAdrTunnelRestrictionCode is not considered.

  • The vehicleAdrTunnelRestrictionCode and vehicleLoadType parameters are independent; please provide both if applicable.

Values (specify at most one):

  • B
  • C
  • D
  • E



Specifies the precision of coordinates in the response.
Possible values are:

  • default: All coordinates are rounded to 5 digits after the decimal point. Default precision coordinates are targeted towards clients that are sensitive to response sizes. This should be sufficient for most applications.

  • full: All coordinates are rounded to 7 digits after the decimal point. Full precision coordinates are targeted towards applications that require precise polyline visualization at high zoom levels.

Default value: default
Other value: full


Specifies how to reconstruct a given polyline or individual legs. Note: this parameter can only be used when a route or legs are provided as part of the request by using supportingPoints. For a description of supportingPoints see the Post Data section of the Calculate Route or Calculate Reachable Range document. Possible values are:

  • normal: Some leeway is allowed when the provided polyline doesn't exactly match the road network, such that a most sensible route is reconstructed. Use this option in case the given polyline comes from a third party source such as a recorded track, a different routing service, or user input. Please consider using the track mode, it is newer and gives better results.

  • strict: Reconstruct the given route as close as possible to the given polyline. This might mean that some driving restrictions are violated in order to closely match the original route. Use this option when reconstructing a route previously received from this service.

  • track: This mode provides flexibility when the provided route polyline does not align well with the road network, allowing the reconstruction of the most sensible route. The input polyline may have inconsistencies such as gaps and loops. When reconstructing the route using track mode, the algorithm will try to respect the driving restrictions and consider traffic conditions. Use this mode when the given polyline originates from a third-party source such as a recorded track, a different routing service, or user input.

  • update: Reconstruct the given route as close as possible to the provided route polyline, ignoring time-dependent driving and legal restrictions in order to keep the input polyline geometry stable. The input polyline is expected to be normalized, without any loops or gaps. Use this option to refresh dynamic data, as required during navigating along your route. Notice: The resulting reconstructed route tries to accurately follow the road network and might result in an illegal route due to potential violation of driving restrictions.

Note: In any of the modes, the algorithm might relax certain restrictions near the origin and destination to offer a more sensible route instead of a no-route-found. This ensures that routes planned with our service can be reconstructed.
Default value: normal
Other values:

  • strict
  • track
  • update

In short, this table summarizes the differences between the modes and restrictions:

Mode / Restrictiontrafficno-throughtime-dependent


Specifies the preference of roadside on arrival to waypoints and destination. Stop on the road has to be set at least two meters to the preferred side, otherwise the behavior will default to "anySide". Possible values are:

  • anySide: Both sides of a road could be used to approach the waypoint and destination. When a vehicle arrives, a stop could be either on a left side or a right side.

  • curbSide: Ensures a minimal number of road crossings at waypoints or the destination. When a vehicle arrives, a stop should be on the right for the right-side driving road or on a left for the left-side driving road.

Default value: anySide
Other value: curbSide

Section 2. Consumption model parameters

Routing provides a set of parameters for a detailed description of a vehicle-specific Consumption model.

  • These parameters can be specified in a calculateRoute request.
  • They must be specified in a calculateReachableRange request.

Depending on the value of vehicleEngineType, we support two principal Consumption models:

  • Combustion consumption model
  • Electric consumption model


  • Specifying parameters that belong to different models in the same request is an error.
  • A Consumption model cannot be used with the travelMode values of bicycle and pedestrian.

Parameter constraints

In both Consumption models, explicitly specifying some parameters requires specifying some others as well. In addition, some parameters are mutually exclusive. These are the constraints:

  1. All parameters require constantSpeedConsumption* to be specified by the user.
    • It is an error to specify any other Consumption model parameter (with the exception of vehicleWeight) if constantSpeedConsumption* is not specified.
  2. accelerationEfficiency and decelerationEfficiency must always be specified as a pair (i.e., both or none).
    • If accelerationEfficiency and decelerationEfficiency are specified, the product of their values must not be greater than 1 (to prevent perpetual motion).
  3. uphillEfficiency and downhillEfficiency must always be specified as a pair (i.e., both or none).
    • If uphillEfficiency and downhillEfficiency are specified, the product of their values must not be greater than 1 (to prevent perpetual motion).
  4. consumptionInkWhPerkmAltitudeGain and recuperationInkWhPerkmAltitudeLoss must always be specified as a pair (i.e., both or none).
    • If they are specified, recuperationInkWhPerkmAltitudeLoss must not be greater than consumptionInkWhPerkmAltitudeGain (to prevent perpetual motion).
  5. If *Efficiency parameters are specified by the user, then vehicleWeight must also be specified.
    • When vehicleEngineType is combustion, fuelEnergyDensityInMJoulesPerLiter must be specified as well.
  6. If *Efficiency parameters are specified by the user, then consumptionInkWhPerkmAltitudeGain and recuperationInkWhPerkmAltitudeLoss cannot be specified.
  7. maxChargeInkWh and currentChargeInkWh must always be specified as a pair (i.e., both or none).

Note that if only constantSpeedConsumption* is specified, no other consumption aspects are taken into account, i.e., slopes and vehicle acceleration are not considered for consumption computations.

Selecting the Consumption model

There are two available Consumption models: Combustion and Electric.

  • A model is selected by specifying the corresponding constantSpeedConsumption* parameter and possibly further parameters that belong to the same model.
  • The chosen model must match the value of the vehicleEngineType parameter.

Optional parameter



The engine type of the vehicle. When a detailed Consumption model is specified, it must be consistent with the value of vehicleEngineType.
Default value: combustion
Other value: electric

The Combustion consumption model


The Combustion consumption model is used when the vehicleEngineType value is set to combustion. The following data table describes all of the parameters that can be specified in a request using the Combustion model.

  • Required parameters must be used or the call will fail.
  • Optional parameters may be used.
  • The order of parameters in a request is not important.

Required parameters


Colon-delimited list of CombustionConstantSpeedConsumptionPair

Specifies the speed-dependent component of consumption.

  • Provided as an unordered list of speed/consumption-rate pairs.

  • The list defines points on a consumption curve.

Consumption rates for speeds not in the list are found as follows:

  • By linear interpolation, if the given speed lies in between two speeds in the list.

  • By linear extrapolation otherwise, assuming a constant (ΔConsumption/ΔSpeed) determined by the nearest two points in the list.

The list must contain between 1 and 25 points (inclusive), and may not contain duplicate points for the same speed.

  • If it only contains a single point, then the consumption rate of that point is used without further processing.

Consumption specified for the largest speed must be greater than or equal to that of the penultimate largest speed.

  • This ensures that extrapolation does not lead to negative consumption rates.

  • Similarly, consumption values specified for the two smallest speeds in the list cannot lead to a negative consumption rate for any smaller speed.

  • The minimum and maximum values described here refer to the valid range for the consumption values (expressed in l/100km).

Minimum value: 0.01
Maximum value: 100000.0

Optional parameters



Weight of the vehicle in kilograms.
Note: it is mandatory if any of the Efficiency parameters are set.

  • This is the same parameter as documented in the previous "Common Routing Parameters" section.

  • It must be strictly positive when used in the context of the Consumption model.

  • Weight restrictions are considered.

Minimum value: 1


Specifies the current supply of fuel in liters.
Minimum value: 0.0


Specifies the amount of fuel consumed for sustaining auxiliary systems of the vehicle, in liters per hour. It can be used to specify consumption due to devices and systems such as AC systems, radio, heating, etc.
Minimum value: 0.0


Specifies the amount of chemical energy stored in one liter of fuel in megajoules (MJ).

  • It is used in conjunction with the Efficiency parameters for conversions between saved or consumed energy and fuel.

  • For example, energy density is 34.2 MJ/l for gasoline, and 35.8 MJ/l for Diesel fuel.

  • This parameter must be used/required if any *Efficiency parameter is set.

Minimum value: 1.0


Note: This must be paired with decelerationEfficiency.

  • Specifies the efficiency of converting chemical energy stored in fuel to kinetic energy when the vehicle accelerates, (i.e., KineticEnergyGained/ChemicalEnergyConsumed).
  • ChemicalEnergyConsumed is obtained by converting consumed fuel to chemical energy using fuelEnergyDensityInMJoulesPerLiter.

Minimum value: 0.0
Maximum value: 1/decelerationEfficiency


Note: This must be paired with accelerationEfficiency.

  • Specifies the efficiency of converting kinetic energy to saved (not consumed) fuel when the vehicle decelerates (i.e., ChemicalEnergySaved/KineticEnergyLost).
  • ChemicalEnergySaved is obtained by converting saved (not consumed) fuel to energy using fuelEnergyDensityInMJoulesPerLiter.

Minimum value: 0.0
Maximum value: 1/accelerationEfficiency


Note: This must be paired with downhillEfficiency.

  • Specifies the efficiency of converting chemical energy stored in fuel to potential energy when the vehicle gains elevation, (i.e., PotentialEnergyGained/ChemicalEnergyConsumed).
  • ChemicalEnergyConsumed is obtained by converting consumed fuel to chemical energy using fuelEnergyDensityInMJoulesPerLiter.

Minimum value: 0.0
Maximum value: 1/downhillEfficiency


Note: This must be paired with uphillEfficiency.

  • Specifies the efficiency of converting potential energy to saved (not consumed) fuel when the vehicle loses elevation, (i.e., ChemicalEnergySaved/PotentialEnergyLost).
  • ChemicalEnergySaved is obtained by converting saved (not consumed) fuel to energy using fuelEnergyDensityInMJoulesPerLiter.

Minimum value: 0.0
Maximum value: 1/uphillEfficiency

The Electric Consumption model


The Electric Consumption model is used when vehicleEngineType is set to electric.

The following data table describes all of the parameters that can be specified in a request using the Electric model.

  • Required parameters must be used or the call will fail.
  • Optional parameters may be used.
  • The order of parameters in a request is not important.

Required parameters


Colon-delimited list of ElectricConstantSpeedConsumptionPair

Specifies the speed-dependent component of consumption.

  • Provided as an unordered list of speed/consumption-rate pairs.

  • The list defines points on a consumption curve.

Consumption rates for speeds not in the list are found as follows:

  • By linear interpolation, if the given speed lies in between two speeds in the list.

  • By linear extrapolation otherwise, assuming a constant (ΔConsumption/ΔSpeed) determined by the nearest two points in the list.

The list must contain between 1 and 25 points (inclusive), and may not contain duplicate points for the same speed.

  • If it only contains a single point, then the consumption rate of that point is used without further processing.

  • Consumption specified for the largest speed must be greater than or equal to that of the penultimate largest speed. This ensures that extrapolation does not lead to negative consumption rates.

  • Similarly, consumption values specified for the two smallest speeds in the list cannot lead to a negative consumption rate for any smaller speed. The minimum and maximum values described here refer to the valid range for the consumption values (expressed in kWh/100km).

Minimum value: 0.01
Maximum value: 100000.0


Note: This is only required if any *Efficiency parameter is set.

  • This is the same parameter as documented in the previously defined Common Routing Parameters section.

  • It must be strictly positive when used in the context of the Consumption model.

  • Weight restrictions are considered.

Minimum value: 1

Optional parameters



Specifies the current electric energy supply in kilowatt hours (kWh).
Note: Requires maxChargeInkWh to be set.
Minimum value: 0.0
Maximum value: maxChargeInkWh


Specifies the maximum electric energy supply in kilowatt hours (kWh) that may be stored in the vehicle's battery.
Note: Requires currentChargeInkWh to be set.
Minimum value: currentChargeInkWh


Specifies the amount of power consumed for sustaining auxiliary systems, in kilowatts (kW). It can be used to specify consumption due to devices and systems such as AC systems, radio, heating, etc.
Minimum value: 0.0


Specifies the efficiency of converting electric energy to kinetic energy when the vehicle accelerates (i.e., KineticEnergyGained/ ElectricEnergyConsumed).

  • It must be paired with decelerationEfficiency.
  • It cannot be used with consumptionInkWhPerkmAltitudeGain or recuperationInkWhPerkmAltitudeLoss.

Minimum value: 0.0
Maximum value: 1/decelerationEfficiency


Specifies the efficiency of converting kinetic energy to electric energy when the vehicle decelerates (i.e., ElectricEnergyGained/ KineticEnergyLost).

  • It must be paired with accelerationEfficiency.

  • It cannot be used with consumptionInkWhPerkmAltitudeGain or recuperationInkWhPerkmAltitudeLoss.

Minimum value: 0.0
Maximum value: 1/accelerationEfficiency


Specifies the efficiency of converting electric energy to potential energy when the vehicle gains elevation (i.e., PotentialEnergyGained/ElectricEnergyConsumed).

  • It must be paired with downhillEfficiency.

  • It cannot be used with consumptionInkWhPerkmAltitudeGain or recuperationInkWhPerkmAltitudeLoss.

Minimum value: 0.0
Maximum value: 1/downhillEfficiency


Specifies the efficiency of converting potential energy to electric energy when the vehicle loses elevation (i.e, ElectricEnergyGained/PotentialEnergyLost).

  • It must be paired with uphillEfficiency.

  • It cannot be used with consumptionInkWhPerkmAltitudeGain or recuperationInkWhPerkmAltitudeLoss.

Minimum value: 0.0
Maximum value: 1/uphillEfficiency


Specifies the electric energy in kWh consumed by the vehicle through gaining 1000 meters of elevation.

  • It must be paired with recuperationInkWhPerkmAltitudeLoss.

  • It cannot be used with accelerationEfficiency, decelerationEfficiency, uphillEfficiency or downhillEfficiency.

Minimum value: recuperationInkWhPerkmAltitudeLoss
Maximum value: 500.0


Specifies the electric energy in kWh gained by the vehicle through losing 1000 meters of elevation.

  • It must be paired with consumptionInkWhPerkmAltitudeGain.

  • It cannot be used with accelerationEfficiency, decelerationEfficiency, uphillEfficiency or downhillEfficiency.

Minimum value: 0.0
Maximum value: consumptionInkWhPerkmAltitudeGain

Sensible values of consumption parameters


It is possible that a particular set of consumption parameters is rejected, even though it might fulfill all the explicit requirements specified above. This will happen when the value of a specific parameter, or a combination of values of several parameters, is deemed to lead to unreasonable magnitudes of consumption values.

If that happens, it most likely indicates an input error, as proper care is taken to accommodate all sensible values of consumption parameters. In case a particular set of consumption parameters is rejected, the accompanying error message will contain a textual explanation of the reason(s).


To give the feeling of the magnitudes of reasonable parameter values, the following data table provides an example of sensible values for the Combustion and Electric models.


Sensible values by model

Colon-delimited list of CombustionConstantSpeedConsumptionPair

  • Combustion model: 50,6.3:130,11.5

  • Electric model: -

Colon-delimited list of ElectricConstantSpeedConsumptionPair

  • Combustion model: -
  • Electric model: 50,8.2:130,21.3


  • Combustion model: 1600

  • Electric model: 1900


  • Combustion model: 55

  • Electric model: -


  • Combustion model: -
  • Electric model: 43


  • Combustion model: -
  • Electric model: 85


  • Combustion model: 0.2

  • Electric model: -


  • Combustion model: -
  • Electric model: 1.7


  • Combustion model: 34.2

  • Electric model: -


  • Combustion model: 0.33

  • Electric model: 0.66


  • Combustion model: 0.83

  • Electric model: 0.91


  • Combustion model: 0.27

  • Electric model: 0.74


  • Combustion model: 0.51

  • Electric model: 0.73


  • Combustion model: -
  • Electric model: 7.0


  • Combustion model: -
  • Electric model: 3.8

POST data parameters


Some parameters can be provided using the HTTP POST method.

  • The POST data should be in JSON format, see the Content-Type header.
  • All POST data parameters are optional.
  • It is an error to use the HTTP POST method if no POST data parameters are provided.

There is an upper limit on the total size of the POST data.

  • Exceeding this limit results in a response with the response code 413, indicating invalid POST data.
  • The client must not rely on the exact value of this limit.
  • The current limit is 10 MB.

The following table describes a subset of the parameters that can be used in the Calculate Route and Calculate Reachable Range services.




This is an array of strings. Each string should be a 3-character, ISO 3166-1, alpha-3 country code.

  • The array describes the countries in which all toll roads with vignettes are to be avoided.

  • Toll roads with vignettes in countries not in the array are unaffected.

Note: It is an error to specify both avoidVignette and allowVignette.


This is an array of strings. Each string should be a 3-character, ISO 3166-1, alpha-3 country code.

  • The array describes the countries in which toll roads with vignettes are allowed.

  • Specifying allowVignette with an array of countries is equivalent to specifying avoidVignette with the array of all countries other than those specified in allowVignette.

  • Specifying allowVignette with an empty array is the same as avoiding all toll roads with vignettes.

Note: It is an error to specify both avoidVignette and allowVignette.


Defines areas of certain shapes to avoid when planning routes. Supported shapes include rectangles. It can contain one of each supported shapes fields.


This is an array of objects, with a maximum of ten elements. Each object describes an axis-aligned rectangle, defined using the fields southWestCorner and northEastCorner.

  • The maximum size of a rectangle is about 160x160 km.
  • It cannot cross the 180th meridian.
  • It must be between -80 and +80 degrees of latitude.


The south-west corner of a rectangle. It is an object consisting of a latitude and a longitude field, each field containing the value in degrees as a number.


The north-east corner of a rectangle. It is an object consisting of a latitude and a longitude field, each field containing the value in degrees as a number.

Avoiding roads with usage-based toll collection

There is special behavior where only roads with usage-based toll collection could be avoided.

Scenario 1:

  • avoid = tollRoad
  • "allowVignette": [value]

Result: Roads with usage-based toll collection are avoided. Toll roads requiring vignettes are also avoided, except in selected countries (marked as value above) where toll roads with vignettes are allowed. Note: in this scenario avoidVignette has to be None.

Scenario 2:

  • avoid = tollRoad
  • "avoidVignette": [value]

Result: Roads with usage-based toll collection are avoided. Toll roads requiring vignettes are allowed, except in selected countries (marked as value above) where toll roads with vignettes are avoided. Note: in this scenario allowVignette has to be None.

Request content example

Request content example
2 "avoidVignette": ["AUS", "CHE"],
3 "avoidAreas": {
4 "rectangles": [
5 {
6 "southWestCorner": {
7 "latitude": 48.81851,
8 "longitude": 2.26593
9 },
10 "northEastCorner": {
11 "latitude": 48.90309,
12 "longitude": 2.41115
13 }
14 }
15 ]
16 }

Response data

Response headers

The following data table describes HTTP response headers of particular interest to Calculate Route and Calculate Reachable Range service clients.




The service whitelists response headers that browsers are allowed to access.
Value: Content-Length


The service allows cross-origin resource sharing.
Value: * (wildcard)


The service supports HTTP compression, if requested by the client.
Value: gzip


The format of the response. The service supports specifying the desired response format. See the contentType parameter.

  • application/json; charset=utf-8
  • application/javascript; charset=utf-8

The Cache-Control general-header field is used to specify directives that must be obeyed by all caching mechanisms along the request/response chain. It is supported by HTTP/1.1 clients. It may not be supported by HTTP/1.0 clients.

  • no-cache
  • no-transform

The Pragma general-header field is used to specify directives that might apply to any recipient along the request/response chain. It is supported by HTTP/1.0 client.
Value: no-cache


This is an identifier for the request. If Tracking-ID was specified in the request headers, it contains the same value. Otherwise it may contain a generated value.


This may be sent for deprecated features.

Response codes

The following table describes HTTP response codes of particular interest to Calculate Route and Calculate Reachable Range service clients.


Meaning & possible causes


OK: A route or range was calculated and the body of the response contains the data for a successful response.


Bad request:

  • One or more parameters were incorrectly specified.
  • Some parameters are mutually exclusive.
  • The points in the route request are not connected by the road network.

  • The points in the request are not near enough to a road.
  • A reachable range consistent with the given parameters could not be found.


Permission, capacity, or authentication issues:

  • Forbidden
  • Not authorized
  • Account inactive
  • Account over queries per second limit

Not Found: The requested resource could not be found, but it may be available again in the future.


Method Not Allowed: The client used a HTTP method other than GET or POST.


Request timeout: The client took too long to transmit the request.


Requested uri is too long.


Unsupported Media Type.


Too Many Requests: Too many requests were sent in a given amount of time for the supplied API Key.


An error occurred while processing the request. Please try again later. This can also indicate that the request reached an internal computation time threshold and timed out.


Internal network connectivity issue.


Service currently unavailable.


Internal network connectivity issue.


Service not found.

Route geometry representation formats

Certain request and response fields that describe route geometry as a polyline support two alternative representation formats:

  • An array of points defined as raw decimal coordinates, such as the supportingPoints field in requests and the points field in responses.
  • An encoded polyline string, such as the encodedPolyline field in both requests and responses.

Where documented, either of the two representations can be used. This is purely a matter of representation and is independent of any other statements about route geometry. The field containing the array of points is used as a stand-in for the concern of route geometry. For brevity, any references and constraints related to the polyline are stated using the stand-in only.

Using encoded polylines can significantly reduce the data size of requests and responses.

Encoded polyline format

For efficient representation of polylines as encoded polyline strings, this service uses an extended version of the Encoded Polyline Algorithm Format.
The original algorithm limits coordinate precision to 5 decimal places by using a multiplier of 1e5 for the decimal values. The extension allows using multipliers of both 1e5 and 1e7. These multipliers correspond to precisions of 5 and 7 decimal places. Please note that each field in the encoded polyline format may have limitations on its supported precisions.
Since the encoded polyline string doesn't contain information of the precision or multiplier used, this information must be provided separately alongside each encoded polyline string.
We recommend taking special care when using the higher precision, as some encoding implementations may suffer internal overflows with the higher multiplier.


When encoding a polyline, select a supported precision and use the respective multiplier for the decimal value instead of the fixed 1e5 multiplier in the original algorithm (refer to the following table).
Otherwise, the encoding process remains the same as in the original algorithm. Ensure to send the precision used alongside each encoded polyline string in the request.


When decoding a received polyline, use the provided precision next to the encoded polyline string to determine the appropriate multiplier for the decimal value instead of the fixed 1e5 multiplier in the original algorithm (refer to the following table). Otherwise, the decoding process remains the same as in the original algorithm. Note that each encoded polyline string is accompanied by the precision used for its encoding.

Precisions and multipliers

The following table illustrates the relationship between precision and multiplier:


