
Last edit: 2024.02.14
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Why do we write tests?

Running tests regularly checks whether your code is still doing what it is supposed to do. Tests verify each individual component, component interaction, and the product as a whole.

Because tests keep verifying the code, it gives the developers the confidence to refactor whenever needed, without worrying about breaking something unforeseen; the tests will catch that. This results in well maintained code that is being worked on with confidence, while the tests themselves serve as examples of how to use the code.

The build machines, that verify the pull requests for new code changes, run all tests to verify a commit will not introduce an unexpected change in system behavior. In short, these automated tests make sure the system as a whole functions as each part was originally designed to function.

Types of tests

There are many types of tests. We'll only discuss the three main categories:

  • Unit tests
  • Integration tests
  • End-to-End (E2E) tests

These types of tests all operate on a different level of the test pyramid.

Test pyramid

Unit tests are at the bottom. There are many of them and they run fast. They typically verify that a small unit, or component, works as it is expected by the developer. Typical units are classes. They have no dependencies and their runtime should be in milliseconds.

The next layer of the pyramid consists of integration tests. These verify that a set of components work together to achieve a common goal. They are usually written for a set of components, be it classes or packages, that need to reach a common goal; they are typically restricted to a single module. Because of these dependencies they are slightly more complex than unit tests. They also have longer run times than unit tests but should still be in the milliseconds range.

At the top we find the E2E tests which verify that all parts of the system work together to accomplish the tasks the end-user wants to perform; so they emulate end-user behavior. Usually they require some set up of the system, may have many dependencies, and are therefore the most complex of the three test types.

To summarize:

  • Unit tests are easy to write, run fast, and have no dependencies.
  • Integration tests are more complex than unit tests because they do have dependencies.
  • E2E tests simulate end-user interaction with the product and may be complex.

Why a pyramid?

So why are these tests shown in a pyramid shape?

Preferably, there are a great many unit tests. They work on a single small piece of code, require almost no setup, and are therefore fast and reliable. Since you write so many of them, they are at the bottom of the pyramid, supporting all the tests above them. Everything you test in a unit test, you can assume is working in the tests above it; you don't test that behavior again.

Integration tests take the unit test verified behavior of the components to test interactions between those units. Since they mostly test interaction, there are fewer of them than there are unit tests.

Now the individual components are tested, and they are proven to work together flawlessly, we can verify whether the system as a whole works as an end-user would expect. There are typically far less E2E scenarios than there are integration tests, which is why E2E testing sits at the top of the pyramid. They rely on everything working as expected and only verify whether all modules can work together to achieve a common goal.

Since E2E tests are so complex to set up and run, they may suffer from all kinds of influences that may make the test results less reliable. Things like timing, threads, mocked network access, etc. can all cause issues that make the test fail, not because the code is wrong but because creating a reliable test bed is difficult. Tests that do not always give the same result with each run are called flaky tests, and they cause headaches and take a lot of time to fix. So make every effort to write tests that are not flaky but guarantee correct results each time they are run.


To eliminate any influence of dependencies while performing your test, you can mock the dependency's behavior. Basically, you hard code the results of interacting with it, so you can verify the responses of the code you are testing.

Dependencies you should certainly mock are: disk and network access, threading, and complex logic. Do not mock simple data classes, data structures like lists, or LiveData.

You can use MockK for Kotlin tests. A simple test, with a single mocked dependency, may look like this:

1import com.tomtom.tools.android.testing.mock.niceMockk
3private class Subject(
4 private val dependency: Dependency
5) {
6 fun add() = dependency.count + 1
10fun `adds exactly one`() {
11 // GIVEN I have a Subject with a Dependency
12 val dependency = niceMockk<Dependency>()
13 val sut = Subject(dependency)
14 // AND that dependency has a count of 5
15 every { dependency.count } return 5
16 // WHEN I call add() on the Subject
17 val result = sut.add()
18 // THEN the result should be 6
19 assertEquals(6, result)

Here, Subject depends on a Dependency instance to get the count from. Since you want to test the behavior of Subject, and not Dependency, you need to rule out any interference from Dependency. So you mock the dependency's behavior.

You create a dependency instance that is a mocked object having the same public interface as a Dependency. You instruct it to return the value 5 whenever its count property is read. Since the behavior of the dependency is now 100% predicable, we can verify whether our Subject responds properly to it, without running any of the Dependency's code.

Bluetooth Mocking

Besides the above-mentioned mocking, TTDC additionally introduces a static configuration for Bluetooth mocking. This means mocking the availability of the BluetoothConnectivityService, which is responsible for managing all Bluetooth-related functionalities.

Using the static configuration to mock this service is useful when running tests on emulators, as emulators lack Bluetooth hardware, making it challenging to conduct testing on Bluetooth-related aspects. When setting this value to true, the service will assume that Bluetooth is available.

On the other hand, when running the tests on a real hardware, this static configuration can be omitted (or set to false) since the Bluetooth functionalities can be properly tested on real devices.

Configuration key nameDescriptionTypeDefault value
bluetoothConnectivityServiceTestEmulatorModeEnabledConfigKeyThe flag to set the Bluetooth connectivity service into the emulator test mode.Booleanfalse

See also: