Show EV reachable range

VERSION 0.68.1

Range visualization can be used to visualize a reachable range for electric vehicles (EVs) as well as combustion vehicles.

Before you start check Calculating a reachable range guide.

Project setup

Import the necessary frameworks using the following instructions, based on your preferred package manager:

Swift Package Manager
  1. Open your App’s target and navigate to General > Frameworks, Libraries, and Embedded Content.
  2. Add the following TomTomSDK libraries from the provided code snippet. Once the project is set up, import the mentioned frameworks into your code.
import TomTomSDKRangeVisualization
  1. Add the TomTomSDKRangeVisualization module to your project’s Podfile
    1TOMTOM_SDK_VERSION = '0.68.1'
    3target 'YourAppTarget' do
    4 use_frameworks!
    5 pod 'TomTomSDKRangeVisualization', TOMTOM_SDK_VERSION
  2. Install the dependencies by executing the following commands in the project directory:
    pod repo-art update tomtom-sdk-cocoapods
    pod install --repo-update
  3. Import the TomTomSDKRangeVisualization framework:
    import TomTomSDKRangeVisualization

Initializing the Range Visualization module

Use the RangeVisualizationFactory method to create the rangevisualization object. It takes two arguments:

  1. tomTomMap: a TomTomMap object.
  2. defaultRangeStyle: A default RangeStyle that will be used for stylization of the range circles primitives
rangeVisualization = RangeVisualizationFactory.create(map: tomtomMap, style: defaultRangeVisaulizationStyle)

Displaying a reachable range

There are two ways to visualize a range on the map: . Circle - used to display a range as a reachable radius . Polygon - used to display a more detailed range

To display a reachable range, a Range object must be created and passed to the display method of RangeVisualization. Choose between two types of Range objects: NamedPolygon and NamedCircle

1let namedCircle1 = NamedCircle(name: name1, origin: origin1, radius: radius1)
2let namedCircle2 = NamedCircle(name: name2, origin: origin2, radius: radius2)
4let circleRange = Range.namedCircles([namedCircle1, namedCircle2])
5rangeVisualization.display(range: circleRange)
1if case let .polygon(points1) = calculateRangeResponse.boundaries[],
2 case let .polygon(points2) = calculateRangeResponse
3 .boundaries[] {
4 let namedPolygon1 = NamedPolygon(name: name1, boundary: points1)
5 let namedPolygon2 = NamedPolygon(name: name2, boundary: points2)
6 let polygonRange = Range.namedPolygons([namedPolygon1, namedPolygon2])
7 rangeVisualization.display(range: polygonRange)
ev range

Clearing the range

The range currently being visualized on the map can be cleared using the clear method of RangeVisualization:


Learn more

Since you have learned how to display Reachable range, here are recommendations for the next steps: