Splash Screen

Last edit: 2023.08.07
Important note:

The TomTom Digital Cockpit SDK is not available for general use. Please contact us for more information.

The splash screen is shown when a user starts up TomTom Digital Cockpit and the required frontend components are not yet ready. When the frontend components are ready, the splash screen is dismissed and the home screen is displayed.


The splash screen is only dismissed when all the required frontend components are ready. You can also specify additional components that are required to load before the splash screen is dismissed.

Passenger screens

Passengers will see the same splash screen that the driver does.


The splash screen can be customized to only be displayed when different frontend components are ready. The logo and background color are not currently customizable, however the splash screen can easily be replaced with any Android view.

DismissalThe splash screen is dismissed when the system UI, main menu, and all necessary frontend components are ready. The dismissal time can be extended to include other frontend components.
ReplaceableThe splash screen can be replaced with any Android view.

Levels of customization

The splash screen can be replaced with any custom Android view, see this tutorial to learn more.

out of box

Out of the box

What the splash screen looks like by default.



The splash screen can be replaced with any custom Android view.