We rolled out a new and better SDK for you.

Opening hours

Represents information on when a POI will be open during the next 7 days, starting with the current day in the local time of the POI. It returns a list of strings that represent opening and closing hours in a given format: Response body

Sample use case 1: You are searching for a specific store to visit but you don`t know if it is currently open. Through your app you query opening shop times and the store working hours are displayed on the screen.

Sample use case 2: A company is collating a report about closing hours in a given city area for grocery shops. Using the SDK services all grocery’s shops in a given radius can be queried for closing hours, allowing for statistical analysis and other studies.

The opening hours data are available in the Search API.

Have a look at the detailed documentation for more information related to the POI search and Fuzzy search

That parameter will be used for services where POIs are exposed, including:

  • categorySearch
  • searchAlongRoute
  • geometrySearch
  • fuzzySearch

Include "withOpeningHours" in query builder as shown in the code snippet below.

1let query = TTSearchQueryBuilder.create(withTerm: "Petrol station")
2 .withPosition(TTCoordinate.AMSTERDAM())
3 .withLang("en-GB")
4 .withOpeningHours(.nextSevenDays)
5 .build()
TTSearchQuery *query = [[[[[TTSearchQueryBuilder createWithTerm:@"Petrol station"] withPosition:[TTCoordinate AMSTERDAM]] withLang:@"en-GB"] withOpeningHours:TTOpeningHoursNextSevenDays] build]
