Multiple maps
Maps SDK supports displaying multiple instances of a map at the same time. You can put as many map objects as you want on the same Activity without any issues.
In this tutorial we are going to add a mini map to a fragment which will be displayed over an
activity that already contains a MapFragment
We can define a fragment layout which contains a mini map as:
1<FrameLayout xmlns:android=""2 xmlns:tomtom=""3 android:layout_width="match_parent"4 android:layout_height="match_parent">56 <fragment7 android:id="@+id/mini_map_fragment"8 android:name=""9 android:layout_width="@dimen/mini_map_size"10 android:layout_height="@dimen/mini_map_size"11 android:layout_gravity="top|end"12 android:layout_margin="@dimen/mini_map_margin"13 android:background="@color/solid_black"14 android:padding="@dimen/mini_map_border"15 tomtom:customMapBackgroundColor="@color/solid_black"16 tomtom:mapsApiKey="@string/maps_api_key" />17</FrameLayout>
Initialization of mini map:
1miniMapFragment = childFragmentManager.findFragmentById( as MapFragment2// Make sure that mini map is drawn on top of the main map3// If not set, the mini map may be invisible on old devices4// with low Android version.5miniMapFragment.setZOrderMediaOverlay(true)
Sample use case: You want to show a mini map with the night style and a different zoom level than the main map.
Before any operation can be done on the map, we need to obtain a reference to a TomtomMap
miniMapFragment.getAsyncMap { miniTomtomMap -> "your code" }
To configure map behaviour use:
1miniTomtomMap.uiSettings.compassView.hide()2miniTomtomMap.uiSettings.currentLocationView.hide()3miniTomtomMap.uiSettings.setStyleUrl(NIGHT_STYLE_URL_PATH)4miniTomtomMap.uiSettings.logoView.applyInvertedLogo()5miniTomtomMap.uiSettings.copyrightsView.applyInvertedColor()67miniTomtomMap.updateGesturesConfiguration(8 GesturesConfiguration.Builder()9 .zoomEnabled(false)10 .panningEnabled(false)11 .rotationEnabled(false)12 .tiltEnabled(false)13 .build()14)
At this point mini map will have all of the gestures disabled. Moving the camera to a new location requires information from the main map.
We can obtain a new camera position for our mini map
using TomtomMapCallback.OnCameraMoveFinishedListener
which will be registered in the main map.
Define TomtomMapCallback.OnCameraMoveFinishedListener
1private val onCameraMoveFinished = object : TomtomMapCallback.OnCameraMoveFinishedListener {2 override fun onCameraMoveFinished() {3 // This callback is not called too often, only when map centering animation or map transition using gestures is finished.4 // To have more frequent updates, one can register for the onCameraChanged listener.5 // However, this may cause performance issues as onCameraChanged is called very often.6 mainViewModel.applyOnMap(MapAction {78 val cameraPosition = uiSettings.cameraPosition9 val miniMapZoomLevel = if (cameraPosition.zoom <= MAP_ZOOM_LEVEL_FOR_SECOND_MAP) {10 cameraPosition.zoom11 } else {12 cameraPosition.zoom - MAP_ZOOM_LEVEL_FOR_SECOND_MAP13 }1415 val miniMapBearing = cameraPosition.bearing16 val miniMapPosition = CameraPosition.builder()17 .focusPosition(centerOfMap)18 .zoom(miniMapZoomLevel)19 .bearing(miniMapBearing)20 .animationDuration(SECOND_MAP_ANIMATION_TIME)21 .build()2223 viewModel.applyOnMiniMap(MapAction { uiSettings.cameraPosition = miniMapPosition })24 })25 }26}
Then register the callback in the main map:
To unregister the callback use: